Local Register Plaque Rebates

The oval bronze plaques seen on many Old Escondido homes are a symbol of pride and an easy way for the public to learn about our different architectural styles while promoting the importance of Historic Preservation.
The Old Escondido Historic District offers a $100 rebate for one plaque per property to property owners whose homes are located in the Old Escondido Historic District and are on the Local Register of Historic Homes. To find out if your home is on the list, click here. If your Old Escondido home is included, email information@oldescondido.org with your street address and the year you have legitimately documented that your home was built - realty listing information is not adequate. You will receive further instructions for ordering your plaque from the foundry and a rebate form. If you follow all directions, a check will be delivered to you within 30 days. If you have any questions, please contact us information@oldescondido.org.